Hiking in Springtime

My hubby had the day off yesterday for Good Friday. We decided to spent it outside enjoying nature. My family enjoys exploring and hiking local trails. I especially love hiking in California with the beautiful scenery and the fresh air. We had fun people watching and discussing life. At one point my boys started aContinue reading “Hiking in Springtime”

5 Podcasts Worth Listening To

Podcasts are great if you are looking for some entertainment beside cable T.V, Netflix, and YouTube. Give it a try. It could be exactly what you need and you may not even know it. This list is just a few favorites I have been listening to lately. The Visit with Dr. Arabia Mollette I loveContinue reading “5 Podcasts Worth Listening To”

Motivation Monday – You’re Allowed!

You’re allowed to forgive yourself for your biggest and smallest mistakes, and you’re allowed to be kind to yourself, You’re allowed to look in the mirror and actually like the person you see.